Sunday, January 29, 2012

The defeat of The Red Skull

So here they are. The pictures finally posted from the Captain America birthday party. As you can see The Red Skull got the worst of things. I don't usually post pics of family but as the little one is cleverly in superhero gear I felt his secret identity was safe. My favorite is definately the one where he has his foot on Red Skull's chest. I have to adore my husband for being willing to put on all that red make-up. We actually purchased a Red Skull mask but, as he is a brain tumor survivor, my husband found the mask reminded  him too much of when he had his head bolted down to a table for proton radiation. So we went to plan B. I think it worked rather well. Certainly well enough to  please our now 7 year old.                                                          
Notice the detail, if you can, that The Red Skull  has his tongue sticking out in his death scene.   

And then here I am as Nick Fury, fearless leader of S.H.I.E.L.D. with my Captain America by my side. Yes, I did spray my hair black.


  1. Those costumes are great. You and your husband are good sports, and your boy will definitely remember his birthday party :-)

    1. Thanks Sarah. He'll probably instead remember that I forgot to bring doughnuts to his sunday school class that morning.

  2. Very cute! I'm sure your son will remember this forever:) What a great way to celebrate a birthday!

    1. It was a lot of fun. That being said, I'd be good with just renting somewhere to go next year.

  3. So adorable! I bet everyone had a fantastic time

    1. He is a cutie, thanks. They all seemed to have a good time except the one little boy who had to find his mom because he burst out in tears when the villians entered the room. I thought I had prepped them enough, apparently not.

  4. Replies
    1. Thanks Alex, but not according to my daughter who screamed at me this morning that I was the worst mother in the world because I wanted her to brush her hair. Probably something I yelled at my own mom when I was 10. Ah, sins of our fathers and all that.

  5. Excellent pictures! And I'm glad to see that science has been proven right once again and that dead people really DO loll their tongues out.

  6. That Red Skull sure has teacity though. How many times has he been beaten up by Cap over the years? Most folks would have given up a long time ago.
