Monday, March 19, 2012

It's not you, it's me.

Dear blog, 
You may see this as a selfish act but someday I hope you will understand. This isn't working for me anymore. I think you must have sensed my lack of commitment, my less than enthusiastic posts. Sure, I tried to fake it. I really wanted this to work out but now is not the time for us. 

To my followers, today may not be the very last post I do but this blog is going to be stopping dependent on my ability to un-sign up for a couple of blogfests. I appreciate all the support, comments (especially loved those comments) and virtual hugs I have gotten along the way. I will also still be randomly checking in and still commenting on your blogs. In keeping with my writing goals, this is the best decision for me to make at this time. 

However, since I am so very anal about such things, I need to be able to take my name off IWSG and the A-Z blogfest. I cringe at the idea of someone blog hopping to my site and finding nothing on topic. So, if I can't get off those lists (anyone know how?  I hate to just comment on the hosts regular blog since that will seem so negative to new people signing up) then I guess I am here until the end of April. But I hope I can because a big part of the hops is to find new blogs and I don't want to offer mine up since I am planning on ending it. As part of my sign off though I want to give a special shout out to a few blogging peeps. I am guessing if you follow my blog,  you are following theirs but just in case. There are lots of people who check out and comment on my blog after I have commented on theirs (don't get me wrong, that is something I think time just forces on a lot of us). However, there are a few who have taken the time to read and comment independent of my actions. They also all post regularly. So, if you are not following these blogs, I strongly urge you to. Sorry for the strange yellow background on the first three, first it sent this to drafts and then it won't let me repaste it, or more likely I just don't know how. 

First, of course, is Rusty Webb at The Blutonian Death Egg He is first because he makes me laugh and because it was his blog that got me going on the blog thing in the first place. He does it right. You won't be disappointed. His published works are always growing. A Dead God's Wrath seems to have gotten the most play so far but there will be many more I am sure.

Then we have Alex Cavanaugh at the blog of similar name. I think he must have clone robots to do all the commenting he does because he is everywhere AND writes books-Check out CassaStar and his latest CassaFire.

Sarah Pearson at Empty, White Pages although she now has the empty crossed out, I am not sure how to do that. She feels like a friend even though we have never met face to face. 

Also,  Andrew Leon at StrangePegs always gives comments and often writes blogs that get me thinking. Has a book out too, The House on the Corner.

Emily King is very good on her regular check-ins. She is a very supportive blogger friend to have.

Lydia Kang at The World is my oyster has lots of great information. She has tons of followers for good reason. You will see why when you visit.

David Powers King is a pretty new follower but not new at blogging or writing. He has a book, Woven, a YA for which he is seeking representation. Plus, I love the picture on his blog. You arrive and know you are in sci-fi/fantasy land.

Let me also throw in Chuck at Apocalypse Now because he gets in there and mixes it up at times as well.

So that is my current state of the union. Hope you all have a wonderful day.


  1. Nancy, be sad to see you go! I can take you off those lists, but don't delete the blog. Leave it here intact so you can return easily when and if you are ready.

    1. Thanks Alex. I appreciate you taking me off the lists. I plan to return someday but only after I have finished some current projects that need to be done. So who knows when that will be.

  2. Replies
    1. thanks Marta, I'll be back once I get some writing time in on other projects.

  3. Nancy, I'm really really sorry to read this post, but you absolutely have to do what is right for you. And yes, we're definitely friends :-)

    Take care of you xx

    1. I tried to show you how to cross stuff out but it won't let me post the comment. Meh, I guess you don't want to know now anyway!

    2. Thanks Sarah,
      You are so very awesome.

  4. Oh,man... well, I understand the time issues. I'm being told by a lot of people right now that I need to back off the blogging so I can just do my next book, but I already feel like I'm down to my minimum on blogging and still be active.
    At any rate, I will be sorry to not have you around. But, yes, leave the blog up. We can keep our follow, and, when you come back, we'll know :)

    1. Will do, hope you get your book finished soon.

  5. Good for you. I'll certainly miss you but admire your decision.

    1. thanks Laura, something's gotta give and this made the most sense. Hope to be back.

  6. Gee whiz. Sorry that you're leaving now. Life comes first I suppose. I agree with Alex, don't delete anything, you may have a chance to pick it back up again, at least if you do it will pop right back into people's feeds if you do.

    1. Thanks Rusty,
      It isn't life so much as writing. I tried to go in the wrong order. I thought if i got regular about blogging I would get a good schedule going with the writing but that hasn't happened. Instead if I only have a short bit of time I end up blogging instead of writing. So...

  7. I am sorry to see you go but truly understand time issues. I was just getting around to visiting some of your old posts and really enjoyed coming here. I'll keep a light on for you during the A-Z so you can stop anytime and hang out. Thanks for the mention...good luck in your future!

    1. Thanks Chuck, I have enjoyed your posts and will be still be checking in. Looking forward to seeing your posts.

  8. Sometimes you have to do what is best. It's sad to see you leave, but I completely understand. Looking forward to when you are able to return. And thank you for the Shout-Out! :)
